Monday 20 September 2010
She has secrets so dark like thick molasses that stick to every part of you, tacky to touch, sweet to lick, covering the shame.  The innocence of childhood taken and wrapped in a blanket, coddled and silenced.  The child never knew it was wrong, a victim of games played by sick adults, who cheat at checkers and eat all the sweets.  Discarded like wrappers, strewn without care.  Secrets locked away where music never plays.  A jolt from the TV in an age of internet and free speech releases a memory.  A shudder of realisation and a shot of pain, as a hand reaches through time and grabs her heart, still dead.  She watches her world, smile on her face, they can't see in to the place that died.  Like a cancer the memories roam free, invading her life, cruel stabs of long forgotten times.  She picks up a key and double locks her secrets, they are not ready yet to be set free.