Tuesday 26 October 2010
For 5 years green dress and I were best friends, she was short, straight, soft and silent, you couldn’t really ask for much more in a friend.  She clung to me on nights out, laughed at my jokes, helped me get dates, and danced like a demon, there wasn’t much she couldn’t do.   Hidden under a dark green sweat shirt she came with me to mums quiz night, all was ok until the dancing began and my father dragged her onto the dance floor, he insisted she throw off the ugly jumper and come out to play.  It was only then that she let me down, there peaking through the straps on my bare shoulder, the trident and tail of a new and glistening large devil tattoo.  Dad called me common, green dress said sod him its your body, I believed her.  

3 weeks later she came with me to Monaco, hot nights in expensive bars was much more her thing.  Dark Italians touching her, wanting her.  One short brooding type sucked my finger and proclaimed love, she had other ideas and whisked my out of the dimly lit room, helped me quickly up the stairs out into the balmy night.  On our return we sadly fell out for a short while, a forgotten exercise routine and a few too many boozy nights out squeezed her out of my life.  

I didn’t forget her and when sometime after I left the note ‘please leave immediately’ on the microwave to the maniac man called husband, she reminded me that we should forget about the fat, renew our friendship and try again. In 3 short months we were back at it again enjoying ourselves and our new found freedom.  

Which brings me to the last night we partied together.  In the week leading up to that night in Cardiff, she lay there on the bed encouraging me to wax and tan my legs, suggesting that curls would look sexy, not forgetting full war paint and high patent black court shoes. That last night we strutted our stuff on the dance floor watched by the soon to be ex husband, he’d had his chance she reminded me.  She bought me home safe and sound that night like she always did, this time to the new man in my life.  He for his part didn’t know how close our friendship was, so every night he wined and dined me and sadly green dress was once again left to hang around by herself, devoted to the end.

In a safe plastic bag, green dress stayed hidden for over 15 years.  A few weeks ago she called out my name, there she was just the same, sexy sassy and my mate.  My body no longer that of a 30 something looks longingly at green dress.  She coaxes me, come on, put me on, you need some fun.  Look at your legs she cries, get them out show the others how its done.  I wiggled and squeeze, she just fits, it’s a sign.