Friday 17 December 2010
I wrote this for a presentation yesterday + I'd like to share it with you all. Its a bit silly :-)

If I were this necklace
I’d fill the world with miles of bright smiles
And cancel miserable Monday morning faces 
Green and Blacks chocolate would be voted a vegetable
And I’d crown Ferdy dog King of the World

If I were this necklace
I’d string together a brighter future
And help everyone reach for the sky
We could all dare to dream, of what we could accomplish
And I’d vote Marmite, the toast topping of choice

If I were this necklace
I’d take away the weekly worry
And everyone would dance on Fridays 
Resolutions would be a thing of the past
And I’d make mince pies a regular feast

If were this necklace
I’d wear it with pride
And show the world that I sparkle and glow
A crisp cold Chablis could be the new tea
And laughter & happiness the only way to go

If I were this necklace 
I’d make tiramisu especially for you
And help you appreciate this wonderful earth
Where goals would be, just for now
And shoes and handbags were given for free

If I were this necklace
I’d share it with you