Friday 1 April 2011
Admiring herself in the mirror Becci waited anxiously for the call.  For 3 hours she had been exfoliating, moisturising, preening and pampering.  Glancing at her new Tag, a recent present to herself, she wondered where he could be. 

She’s met him 2 days ago when she’d stumbled on the cobbles outside the cathedral. The heel from her new Jimmy Choo shoes had come off and as the hot wet tears fell onto her French polished toe nails, a crisp white handkerchief appeared and proceeded to mop up the dark streaks of mascara running down her carefully made up face.

She glanced up, not her normal type, too hairy and not well dressed, she smiled her award winning smile she normally reserved for her targets. Picking up her heel, he laughed and passing it to her he declared in his very English accent, we must get you some sensible shoes.  He grabbed her hand and dragged her off to Conti’s, her favourite Vienna cafĂ©, ordered her a Cappuccino and saccher cake before she could argue.  The stranger became Marcus and invited her to dine that evening, with nothing better to do she agreed.

She had been waiting for Marcus wearing her new black linen suit, with red bra top and high red sling backs when the hand reached along the bar, his touch electrifying her and while gazing deep into her eyes asked casually if she would like a drink.

This man was instinctively the kind of man she went for, dark, smooth and expensively dressed, chest hairs peeking through the open necked shirt. His trousers showed off his taught buttocks and draped over his beautifully cleaned shoes. Everything about him cried ladies man.

The manicured hands teasingly pulled her close to him, she could hear her heart beating, the blood rushing in her ears, her ovaries popped, she was lost and didn’t care.

Barely through the door of his room, clothes discarded, his hot fierce kisses fell into an all night release of lust.

Teasing her blonde straight hair into place, she felt only slightly ashamed as she texted Marcus to apologise for not meeting him.  He replied there was always the following night and she had agreed.

She slung her Burberry over her slender bare bronzed shoulder, musing that she should really stop spending the house renovation money, she had whittled her £30k to £10k in just 2 short months.  Still she thought £10k could still go a long way to making her nans house liveable.

Heading out to meet Marcus, she stopped at the cash point to discover her card was missing.  In a panic she called the bank to cancel the card and was shocked to be told that her account was now in arrears.

Marcus meanwhile was enjoying his first decent meal in 3 months since losing his job.