Friday 30 May 2008
We started walking together some years ago, adhoc probably once a month. We would always choose lovely places to go, stop for a bite and then carry on back to base.

But this year (2008) both of us wanted more. We live in a fantastically beautiful country, Wales. Just a few (well maybe more) steps from our front doors we can be in the countryside or besides the water. So this year we stepped out in earnest.

It started with a Tuesday and a weekend day, soon we planned a weekend away (more of that later), then as we became addicted to the fresh air and freedom we added Thursday night, even a trip to the cinema includes a 30 minute walk each way.

Theres something so fantastic about being outside, no TV, mostly no cars, birds singing, wind hopefully gently blowing, rivers flowing, leaves rustling, wet grass, hillside views, sheep bleating then running away, the odd curious cow or is it a bull, you get the picture.

After work when you put on your boots, relinquish the days dramas and forget that you are knackered, a sense of being alive rushes through your veins, wires your brain and sets you up for an adventure.

With so many directions to choose from, we often wonder where shall we go tonight? Whatever the choice there must be a pub somewhere along the track, it must be friendly (more about those later too) serve either good Guiness or wine and if the mood takes us good food.

And then we are off.

The more we walk the more the blog will grow, who knows there may be a walk on here for you and we may just bump into you on the way.

Don't forget to smile and say hello.