Monday 18 May 2009
Gap in the curtain, opens to a small window on the outside world, dark blue sky, branches meshed, criss crossed like my lifes journey.  Journeys that I have travelled and lessons learned.  I am in bed, it’s a brand new day, the world is awaking as I survey my room, reflecting. The song on the radio tells me to get up get up it’s a new day dawning.  From nowhere I feel tearful.  The singer is right, new day, new start.  My mind wanders to new beginnings, possibilities and adventure. 

The small lost child inside emerges and crawls to the surface, she takes a look around and starts to ask those questions.  I glance up and see the red voodoo doll, the one for love, its hair normally straight to its shoulders is wild like a mad bird in flight perched on its head. Is this symbolic?

Other pictures around the room remind me of other times, a friends wedding, me and Ali, black and white, observing the day, captured 2 friends for ever.

The fireplace remains black and strong cast iron. Not lit during my tenure it still reaches out and surrounds me in warmth.  Its strong arms envelope me.  I miss being held close.

Back at the window the day is fast emerging.

It’s a day closer to meeting you, the panic sets in.  Normally confident, still silly, a dreamer.  You paint pictures in my mind, easy to talk to, strum a few chords, make me laugh.  Its that laughter again, its mine.

The pink glass mushroom glints and makes me smile, a wedding gift but I have no idea why.  I’ve kept it ever since, like a magical life umbrella.

Little fat Buddha arm raised high, victor not victim, reminds me to strike out, go forth, head held high.

Radio 2 playing All things bright and beautiful, Sarah rabbiting on, great energy, this isn’t my usual channel, I wonder who switched me over?

A room full of symbols I think I have got the message and whatever happens when we meet there will be another memory to be savoured.