Sunday 18 January 2009
3 emails later the picture arrives.  I waited for this one like I waited for the others, with a sense of dread and anticipation.  The adverts always say attractive, tall and fit, but the pictures always tell the truth.  I have become shallow in this market for love.  I read the profile, mostly they bore me, kind and caring, are you the one?  I want to see into their lives, see their souls, not silly words for love struck women.

I read all of the emails and respond when I can.  The headings do not intrigue me, the content bores me, where is your imagination, is this how you woo a woman?

Your email upbeat, your profile amusing, so I wrote and I wrote.

The day comes we are to meet.  I clutch the small picture in my sweaty nervous hand. Will you be attractive, really be tall,  better in the flesh?  Will we be attracted or will we want to run away?  What if I want to feel you, touch your flesh, kiss you, should I wait. 

It doesn’t matter, as soon as I see you, I know...... I don’t fancy you.  Ten minutes later you bore me to death, no conversation, dull lifeless person.  Forty minutes later, I leave you.

Two hours later, I am back online.  I get an email, will you be the one?