Tuesday 18 May 2010
Around my heart is a thick rope.  Old, worn and ingrained with dirt.  Its frayed from constant chaffing. The braids are as thick as my fingers.  No one cares about the rope but for me its use is clear. It encases my vibrant beating heart like entwined digits, stretching as I breathe.  My heart hurts, the pulsating muscle needs the tightly wrapped rope around it for protection. The bristles irritate it, but tell me I am alive. They force my heart to fight back. The rope is wrapped around 5 times and finished with a neatly tied bow.  One tug of the bow and it will release my cocooned organ.  When the time comes I will pull gently and allow myself to feel again.  But for now the rope holds my heart in place. Inside the rope I place one small rose quartz crystal, its gentle pink energy strangely at odds with the pale dirty rope. They clash yet balance.  

My mind wanders to what should be.  Words cannot describe the simple pain that tears through my chest.  I let my guard down.  I let you in.  You stayed for a brief moment and left.   Stepped into my space and lifetimes whirled by.  I knew you from somewhere, were you a lover in another life?  I reached out, touched and felt you returned to me, I savoured the moments.  My hands wandered over smooth flesh, my lips meeting yours told me it was meant to be.  In times past it was a secret love cut short. In this life you may be gone, I will have you back. This time, I will catch you and not let go.

I left my mark on you, my hands poured healing energy into your heart, my kiss will linger on your lips, my smell in your nostrils and soft touch on your bare skin will constantly remind you.  I gave you my blessing to leave me, it was a gift.  I know you will be back.