Thursday 3 June 2010
I arrived at the beach, 6am, cold and unprepared.  Unprepared for the smack of cold air on my face, the colours emerging through the early morning mists and the way that the scene commanded me to stay still, mesmerizing me.  Tucking my hands in my pockets and pulling my hoodie over my damp hair, I headed towards the haze. As the waves carelessly crashed onto the shore, foamed and sauntered back, I was reminded of the way my ideas and thoughts often welled up reaching a crescendo, only to clattered against each other as I over analysed them, washed back into the grey seas of my mind along with the litter of other peoples failed dreams. I turn, my back to the water, a cauldron of deep dark blue, the golden sand before me, unbroken and fresh with opportunity.  Virgin land.  Shoes off, big toe pointed, I dig through the soggy sand, dragging and dancing.  Whooping my first circle in the sand.  10 minutes later many rings of hope lay in front of me, connecting spheres of achievement, random, somehow together and yet still apart.  Standing quite still, my circles before me, pale blue sky above me, a watery orchestra caressing me.  Safe.  My thoughts let loose are whispered into the wind, sent spiraling into the universe creating an umbrella over my kingdom.  Peace.  It seemed like an eternity as I watched humanity race past me, too fast for the naked eye. I step into the maelstrom, hands reach out to push me through the fabric of time, carrying me away on an ocean of endless possibilities.  The journey continues.