Wednesday 28 July 2010

Q&A - Jacqui Malpass

For a bit of fun I have replicated some questions asked recently in a magazine of a famous actress.  I of course am not currently famous, that’s to come.  So in preparation here are my answers.

What did you learn from your parents?
How not to run a relationship springs to mind.  On a more positive note from mum her wonderful creativity and from my dad generosity.

When you were 13 what did you want to be when you grew up?
This is very funny, I remember saying to a load of kids once that when I grow up I will be a stripper.  I have no idea where that came from and now it’s a bit late to be flaunting my body for money.  That aside I think I probably wanted to strut my stuff on the cat walk or be in a rock band. More likely the rock band, I can see it in my minds eye.

If you could give your childhood self some advice, what would it be?
Believe in yourself.  Stay in school and get an education.  I ended up expelled and having to study as an adult.

What’s your biggest fear?
I am terrified of walking by sheer edges with water down below.  It is irrational and quite maddening as I love to walk.  Once I went walking with my partner and we ended up on a very narrow path with a sheer drop one side, he was up ahead and had no idea how scared I was, I was of course too proud to ask for help until my legs wobbled so much that I thought I would fall over, by which time I could hardly breathe.  I called out ‘Richard….  There’s something I forgot to tell you…’ He was fantastic and we got to the top somehow.

When was the last time you cried?
In the garden not long ago.  I can’t remember why, but I’d had a drink and the tears flowed.  I often well up when I hear sad stories; I am and always will be a real softie.

Which book changed your life?
Little Women.  I loved Jo who was a tomboy and who had a passion for writing, she had such sprit and independence and still a kind heart. I really identified with her. I cried when Beth died.

What is your cultural guilty pleasure?
Books, far too many to read, but I just keep buying them, hoping that there will be something different and there rarely is.

Are you an optimist or a pessimist?
Always look on the bright side of life ta da ta da!

Who do you listen to when you need critical advice?
As much as I hate to admit it, my partner can see things very clearly and after I get over being annoyed at his plain common sense, I am really rather pleased that I asked him.

Do you ever have a crisis of confidence?
Of course doesn’t every one?  I support the mantra feel the fear but do it anyway.  That is of course when I am not procrastinating.

There should be an advert here about some up and coming thing that I am doing.  So watch this space I am sure it’s coming soon.