Thursday 21 January 2010
From being awake since 4am, I have managed to only have 1 cup of tea and invite the now snoring smelly dog to my bed.

My dilemma with a battery (computer and I) that is slowly fading is, do I get out of bed and showered to go to a networking event which is fantastically close to the house or do I stay in bed?

In reality of staying in bed is not an option.  There are the girls to let out, who will be clucking madly by 7am and trying to beat me to the back door once I pull back the latch.  Then there's the Ferds who needs feeding and walking.  He however is still snoring, snorting and sighing.


Lazy womans option methinks.

Birds out, dog fed and let out, shower, choose clothes, network.  Then walk dog.

Happily my short story is manifesting itself, more ideas invade my brain and I think a few more tweaks and it will be done.  Happy days.

6:32 and time is running out.