Wednesday 6 January 2010

What happened its 2010, time has flown along with life's rubbish, just one last thing to get out of the way and my metamorphosis from old me to older me but newer will be complete.

It's the house, I need it to complete this week.  The ex is being a bit odd but in a strange way it seems its the catalyst to ending it all.  Well when I say ending it all I mean that he gets his cash I get mine and then I work with the new owner to sort out some final bits of legal things.  Which is fine, except the ex gets away once again with doing as little as possible and contributing even less.

My life is wonderful.

During 2009 I was offered an opportunity to go on a course and so chose an ILM level 7 certificate in executive coaching and mentoring.  Being a sucker for the hardest of everything, I thought mmm this will stretch me.

All was well until I was made redundant and the very kind Welsh Assembly Government gave me some cash to retrain and I chose to become an NLP practitioner,

Let me tell you doing 2 courses that require you to go out and practise (with humans) and write detailed assignments and diary is not easy.  Especially when your dog often whines for a walk and puts his whole face on your books or computers.

I am a rude studier, leave me alone or else.  I learnt however, that the Ferdy face in my face meant time for a break.  I took my breaks but it naffed me off, I had my head in something and I wanted to complete it.

To add insult to injury my gorgeous new man kept talking to me.

So doubly disturbed everything just took so long!

I looked back to 1994 and studying for the last year (of 3) of my MBA.  Recently separated, divorce pending, new man in my life.  Whoa, echoes here.  This one though didn't talk much, he left me to it and did his thing.  Which seemed great at the time.  Time passes and when I was decorating the house I am now trying to sell, he left me too it and did his own thing.  Do we (or is that me) ever learn?

 In 2009 I wrote a note to the universe with a picture of a stick man.  All of the attributes, I thought I wanted in a man were on this paper.  With my girlfriends we conducted a letter to the universe session.

The session led my me was along the lines of drink lots of wine, write what you want in a positive way on a piece of paper shaped like a man and burn it.  Not only that write a short story about forgiveness and burn that.

Mine was easy I wanted the perfect, for me, man.  They wanted to forgive their exes.  They burned and stamped, I sat smiled and waited, drunkenness is a marvellous thing for removing your inhibitions.

I wasn't expecting the man who did come into my life.  We had met the year before and I kept getting cold feet.  The cold feet didn't stop me fancying him like mad and sending the odd drunken email.

After the burning ceremony, he turned up.  That's not entirely true, fed up with rubbish dates, I asked him out, just expecting a casual romance with no strings.  Bugger me I fell in love.

Here we are 2010 man, dog, 3 chickens and back to working for myself.

Life is wonderful.