Thursday 7 January 2010
I am standing quite still, looking.  I am the eye of the storm, calm.  Around me madness.  Bright colours whizz by, people, problems.  They are calling my name, which way to turn?  My body like a statue, tall and firm, like a rock, unyielding.  Hands reach out and touch me, help me they cry.  My eyes turn side to side, watching, blue, green, red, black, brown, faster and faster.  Arms by my side, I don’t reach out, but someone touches me, too late.  Their essence like a spiders web clings to me, wraps itself around me.  Their voices, sad, pitiful, lonely, whispers in my ears.  I didn’t mean it, it wasn’t me, them, its always them.  The words drift in and out.  I make soothing sounds, I am the voice of reason, sense and kindness.  In my brain the alarm is triggered, escape, how can I escape?  Body rigid, trapped, mind says run, run as fast as you can.  The eyes look deep into my soul, don’t go.  Go, go, let me go.  Grief, sadness, sorrow, dumped, they are gone.  I am standing quite still, the storm has gone, for now.