Saturday 30 January 2010
Christmas is over, the party frocks with spaggetti straps are away.  Arms are back in warm winter woolies. 

Spring is coming...

Womens arms will be back in public view and I am shocked at the display. I gasp in horror, how can’t they see the wrinkly fat flappy things that are attached to their bodies?

Women of all sizes and shapes have these things that just hang at their sides, screwed into their shoulders like shapeless slabs of meat. When they hold them up to wave hello or goodbye they jiggle.

Exposed in the latest top some of them are white and blotchy, some have extra folds like elephant hide, some look like they could take off, its shocking.

I call for women of the armed world to unite against these ghastly beasts. If you have fat flabby arms don't go sleeveless.