Friday 8 January 2010
I guess that a 2 year old dog, previously homed in Fulham, has possibly never seen snow before.

Wednesday I dressed up warmly for the deep white stuff that surrounded our house and coaxed a unhelpful Ferdy into his lead.

 He gingerly stepped out into the snow, then sniffed and sniffed, bounded and ran head long into it.

The walk to the park was littered with Heel Ferdys and a look on his face that said but mum its snow, me play me play!!!  And very probably you old cow.

In the park I let Ferdy free, it was such fun watching him race around in the fresh untouched snow, galloping towards me, skidding to a halt, turning around and dashing in another direction.

The best bit was playing snowballs.  He chased and leaped at every snowball and the look of total confusion on his face when is 'ball' disappeared was priceless.

So much fun, wish I had filmed it.