Wednesday 6 January 2010

Tuesday I took Ferdy, he's the Vizsla, not the boyfriend to the pond for our usual short walk.  For short walk read 45 minutes, where Ferdy canters around, sniffs for food and tries to get the ducks and swans.

He drags me to the pond and then if by magic opens his bowels and gives me one of his finest poohs, watched by a crowed of boys.

The boys champion, far enough away from me so that I can't kick him up the arse, shouts 'shit picker'.  He friends now brave enough to join the chorus collaborate with the tubby one in a grey tracksuit.  Not being one to keep quiet I shout back, something innocent and silly really... 'what you would rather me leave it in the park?'

Oh and if I did......

They then chanted at me and the fat brave one shouts 'I am going to shag your daughter'.  'Sorry mate' I shout 'I don't have a daughter'.

Eh, am I as thick as them?  Then I suddenly realise that I am closer to 50 than 15 and I should just let the ignorant kids shout at me.

For a fleeting moment I saw myself as the saviour of stupid kids, shake myself down, have a giggle and carry on my way.  I was of course young and horrible once!

But just for fun after I walked around the pond and park  headed back towards them, this time with my gob shut!!!!

Despite the passing of time, they somehow remembered that I picked up my dog shit and off they went.  I smiled.  Twats!